About us

SeeCapitalMarkets.Com is a financial portal that provides its visitors with information from local and global capital and money markets.

The main purpose of the portal is to provide information and it does not serve as a tool for making investment decisions and bears no responsibility for making them. The results of investment decisions are solely up to you.

The portal was founded in 2020 and replaced the financial portal www.anicazna.com, which was founded back in 2008.

On the portal itself, you can see or read news, analysis and interviews that are mainly related to the world of finance. In addition to the above, it provides information on stock trading on the Zagreb, Ljubljana, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Montenegro and Macedonian Stock Exchanges. Trading data is transmitted with a time delay.

In addition to the listed trading data, on SeeCapitalMarkets.Com you can also find the values ​​of the stock market indices from the previously mentioned capital markets, and in addition to the listed values, we also show the values ​​of the world's most famous capital markets, investment funds and shipping rates.

We also show the daily values ​​of shares of investment funds that are located or managed in Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.

SeeCapitalMarkets.com also displays the values ​​of quite a few cryptocurrencies, so you can find almost everything you're interested in from the world of finance in one place.

In addition to the capital market, as stated, we also show values ​​from the money market, such as forex values ​​of the most relevant currency relationships, values ​​of money market and central bank interest rates, as well as exchange rate lists of central banks and commercial banks from the above countries.

What sets the portal apart from others are the fundamental and technical analysis tools for stocks, funds, currency relations and cryptocurrencies.

However, as written at the beginning SeeCapitalMarkets.Com bears neither responsibility nor credit for the results of your investment decision.

For all inquiries, please use the contact form.